Appendix M
(to be filled up by the TRANSFEREE on buying Dwelling Unit)
(To be Notarised and Executed on Rs.10/-
Non-judicial Stamp Paper or such amount
as applicable in the State where the individual is executing this document)
Affidavit of Shri / Smt / Km ______________________________ s/o, w/o, d/o _________________________________________ aged about ________yrs, r/o________________________________________________________.
I / We the Deponent above named do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:-
(a) That I/we intend to purchase or I/we have purchased or I/we intend to get transferred in my favour Dwelling Unit Number_________ of (Society name) from _________________________ under self Financed housing Scheme vide his/her Registration Number_________________ with Air Force Naval Housing Board, New Delhi, hereinafter referred to as the Board.
(b) That I, my spouse, my dependent children are/are not a member of any housing Scheme or member of any other House Building Co-operative Society or Group Housing Co-operative Society functioning in ___________________________(city of project).
(c) That I, my spouse, my dependent children are/are not owning either in full or in part, on lease or free hold basis any plot of land or a Dwelling Unit in ______________ (Place of Project).
(d) That I, my spouse, are/are not a member of Hindu undivided family which owns either in full or in part on lease hold or free hold basis, a plot or land or a Dwelling Unit in _________ (Place of Project).
(e) That I/we will abide by the rules of Local Land Allotting Authority in respect of ownership of intended purchase of property or purchased property in respect of the areas where the Land Allotting Authority allows purchase of single plot ownership of land on lease or free hold basis or a flat or a dwelling unit by myself or my spouse or my dependent children or by virtue of being a member of Hindu undivided family.
(f) That I am still serving in Air Force or Navy.
That I have retired from the Air Force or Navy on _____. Attested copy of my PPO is enclosed herewith.
I am presently serving in ...................
(delete whichever is not applicable)
(g) That I, my spouse, are(give details)/are not registered elsewhere in any other housing Scheme of the Air Force Naval Housing Board.
(h) That I/we will abide by all rules, orders and instructions issued by the Board from time to time and execute such deeds or documents as required by the Board with regard to possession of the Dwelling Unit transferred to me.
(j) That the DU transferred to me will not be used for any purpose other than residential by me, or by my family members or by my tenant or by any one else through me.
(k) That the garage/parking space transferred to me shall be used for the purpose of keeping a vehicle only. I shall not use it/these for any commercial/professional purpose or as a godown.
(l) That I/we shall not make any unauthorised additions or illegal alterations whatsoever to the said DU, room, shop, terrace, open areas or the parking space without prior written permission of the Board, society and Land Allotting Authority and in any event such additions or alterations shall be at my/our own cost and expense and on such terms and conditions as may be laid down by the Board. I/we shall keep and maintain the said flat, room terrace, shop and parking space neat, tidy, wind and water tight in all seasons and in good and substantial repairs, reasonable wear and tear and damage by fire or storm excepted.
(m) That I/we shall abide by all the laws, rules and regulations of the Development Authority concern, Central or State Government Authority, Civil Bodies, the Board and the Society / Association formed by them.
(n) That I/we will not sub-divide the transferred dwelling unit, including ancillaries or amalgamate it with any other dwelling unit.
(p) That I would get the required electricity and water meters transferred in my / our name and pay the rent as per the bills provided by the concerned agencies.
(q) That the passages and other common conveniences will be utilised by me/us along with other members in the said Society and I will not have any exclusive right to their use.
(r) That I/we shall become a member of the JVVAOA/Society and pay all charges fixed by the said organisation from time to time and abide by the rules, regulations made and instructions issued by the said organisation.
(s) That I/we shall bear/pay any cost in future if required after final costing or imposed by the land allotting authority.
I/we, the above said __________________________ do hereby solemnly affirm and declare that contents of my Affidavit are correct and true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed or suppressed therefrom.
Verified at ___________________________ on this ___________________day of ___________
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